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Publication of Work Protocol Welcome – But Implementation Will Be Complex & Costly For Firms

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09 May 2020

Dublin Chamber has welcomed the Government's publication today (Saturday) of The Return to Work Safely Protocol.
Dublin Chamber, which represents more than 1,300 businesses throughout the Dublin region, said the publication of the protocol is an important step in the recovery from Covid-19 for both companies and workers.
However, the Chamber said that the guidelines provide a sobering insight into the complexities and costs that business will face in getting up and running once more.
Dublin Chamber CEO Mary Rose Burke said: "The protocol provides very welcome practical guidance that will be hugely beneficial for companies in all sectors as they step up preparations for a gradual return to normal. The publication of the guidelines will help provide confidence to both employers and employees regarding the appropriateness of re-opening workplaces and the economy.
“For many firms, the road to recovery from Covid-19 will be long. Returning to 'business as usual' will not be possible overnight and will require the creation and deployment of very considered and robust plans. Reopening workplaces and ensuring a safe working environment is going to require considerable change for firms and the introduction of complex new processes. Implementing these changes and complying with the new norms of working is going to be extremely challenging for many businesses and will be costly too. In many cases, compliance for many firms will mean having to hire additional staff or the redeployment of existing workers. Businesses will require support in adjusting to the new ways of working and Dublin Chamber will be there to help them get the assistance they require,” said Ms Burke.

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