
Minister Burke Publishes Update on the White Paper Implementation Plan

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26 June 2024

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD, recently published the second update report on the White Paper on Enterprise Implementation Plan 2023-2024. This report details the work undertaken to progress the 40 initiatives set out in the Implementation Plan in the second six months of 2023 and also provides an update on the 15 key target metrics identified in the White Paper.

Minister Burke said:

“It is fantastic to see the significant work that has been undertaken on a whole-of-Government basis to advance the vision set out in the White Paper on Enterprise in its first year of implementation. This strategy set Ireland on a clear and ambitious path towards achieving a resilient, sustainable and globally competitive economy that is regionally balanced and that delivers high-quality jobs. Already, we’re beginning to see that vision become a reality, even amid a challenging international landscape for business.”

“Almost half of the activities outlined in the 2023-2024 Implementation Plan have now been delivered, and the majority of those remaining are on track for completion as scheduled.”

“These actions include many specific measures taken to support our small and medium enterprises, as part of government’s ongoing commitment to this sector. In particular, under the White Paper, we are working to support SMEs to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the twin green and digital transitions and saw in the last year the launch of the Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme for SMEs, the establishment of four fully operational European Digital Innovation Hubs, and the completion of our Building Better Business conference series across the country during 2023. At the same time, we remain committed to helping Irish companies to fulfil their potential and grow, whether as exporters or locally traded businesses, through targeted supports from our enterprise agencies and Local Enterprise Offices. Efforts also continue towards ensuring Ireland remains a world leading destination to invest and do business in.”

The 15 targets in the White Paper on Enterprise cover the government’s ambitions across the areas of employment and seven identified priority policy objectives: 

  1. Integrating decarbonisation and net zero commitments
  2. Placing digital transformation at the heart of enterprise policy
  3. Advancing Ireland’s FDI and trade value proposition
  4. Strengthening the Irish-owned exporting sector
  5. Enabling locally trading sectors to thrive
  6. Stepping up enterprise innovation
  7. Building on Ireland’s existing strengths and opportunities

Progress on the Implementation Plan is monitored and reported on in biannual publications. The next update report detailing the progress made during the first half of 2024 will be developed and published later in the year. 

To read the report in full, please see White Paper on Enterprise Update Report: H2 2023

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