
Minister Burke Announces Additional €5 Million Funding for Housing Research

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18 September 2024

This month, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD, announced an additional €5 million in funding for Construct Innovate, Ireland’s national research centre for construction technology, to support housing-focused research as part of the Housing for All initiative. This funding, spread over three years under Enterprise Ireland’s Technology Centres programme, will drive innovation in the residential building sector through applied research projects aimed at improving construction methods, sustainability, affordability, and quality.

Construct Innovate, involving leading Irish universities and industry partners, will prioritise six housing-related research projects that will collaborate with the Department of Housing and other stakeholders. The research outcomes will be made publicly available to benefit both policymakers and the construction industry.

This funding aligns with the government's commitment to advancing housing innovation, boosting productivity, and addressing ongoing challenges such as housing shortages and the impact of climate change.

For further information, please see here.

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