After close consultation with our members, the Chamber has produced a budget submission that covers a range of issues from capital gains tax to female labour participation. As Dublin Chamber continues to advocate on your behalf with regard to these matters, you can help by contacting your local Government TD in support of the Dublin Chamber agenda.
In advance of publishing our pre-budget submission, Dublin Chamber met with John McCarthy, Chief Economist at the Department of Finance, Anne-Marie Walsh, Principal Officer at the Department of Finance and John Conlon, Assistant Secretary General at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to comprehensively outline the Chamber’s key budget asks.
Earlier this week, Dublin Chamber was invited to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment to take part in the first meeting of the Commercial Built Environment Roadmap Working Group, to offer insight into the support needed by Dublin businesses to meet upcoming carbon targets in relation to property usage.
In June, Dublin Chamber was delighted to welcome Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, to engage in a Public Affairs Forum with members. Minister O’ Gorman discussed the continued rollout of gender pay gap reporting, the recently passed Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act. Additionally, Minister O’ Gorman spoke of the measures his department are currently taking to invest, improve, and increase the affordability and accessibility of the childcare sector. Dublin Chamber’s Public Affairs Forums offer a great opportunity for members to interact directly with senior members of Government and gain insight into Department priorities.
In addition to the above, Dublin Chamber recently met with Louise O’Reilly, T.D. and Sinn Fein Spokesperson on Workers’ Rights, Enterprise, Trade and Employment, to provide an update on the economic outlook facing firms in the coming months. Dublin Chamber also attended Dublin’s Joint Policing Committee, Dublin City Centre Business Forum and a Special Working group for the reform of SPCs to advocate for the needs of businesses. Dublin Chamber’s Director of Public Affairs, Aebhric McGibney was also quoted in the Sunday Independent, 2nd July 2023, with regard to the evolving needs of businesses operating in the city centre. Dublin Chamber will continue to push forward its lobbying agenda for 2023.