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40% of Dublin Businesses Lack Confidence in Government’s Ability to Deliver

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28 March 2025

Thursday, 27th March 2025: As the new Government seeks to deliver on its mandate, many firms are sceptical that Government will achieve what it has promised. Dublin Chamber’s Q1 Business Outlook survey shows overwhelming support from Dublin business for the new Programme for Government, but they are much less confident in the ability of Government to follow through on its commitments. 

Our report reveals that 96% of Dublin businesses believe that the Programme for Government will support the success and growth of business. However, a significant minority, about 40% of firms, express a lack of confidence in the Government’s ability to deliver on its commitments, signalling that the issue does not lie in public policy, but in the execution.  

Commenting on the findings, Stephen Browne, Head of Public Affairs said: “The Programme for Government references progressing many of the key infrastructure projects and affordable housing that matter to Dublin businesses. Businesses want to see action. Companies are increasingly concerned with the lack of milestones for delivery and long lead in times on vital infrastructure projects. Dublin’s competitive edge is being eroded as long planned projects such as the LUAS extension, Metrolink, DART+ and efforts to increase the housing stock are stalled, mired in protracted planning processes and administrative bottlenecks.” 

Mr Browne added “It's now vital that Government back up their commitments in the Programme for Government on delivering critical infrastructure for Dublin and put concrete plans in place to establish the Infrastructure Unit in the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform as a matter of urgency. In increasingly uncertain times globally, Government needs to foster Dublin’s competitive environment for inward investment and business growth by showing that they are serious about getting shovels in the ground on their landmark projects and ensure that Dublin is a world-renowned city to live and work, and to run and scale a business.” 

Contact Information

Stephen Browne
Head of Public Affairs
Dublin Chamber
085 710 3329

About Dublin Chamber: Dublin Chamber is Ireland’s largest chamber of commerce with over 1000 member companies. It is the most representative and broadly-based business group in the Greater Dublin Area, providing representation and networking services. Its policy work focuses on developing the Dublin region’s infrastructure & transport, promoting competitiveness, and improving local governance. Dublin Chamber is also one of the oldest chambers of commerce in the world, tracing its origins back to 1782.

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